Kingfisher Class - Year 1
Class Teachers Mrs E Hayden |
Class TA's Miss Cook |
A very warm welcome to Kingfisher Class
Spring update - Kingfisher Class
We continue to be super busy in Kingfisher class, working so hard and making great progress in our learning! We have welcomed some new children this half term and it has been amazing to see how kind and helpful the children have been to their new friends.
We are very proud of them.
In our English work, we have been working on improving our sentences by adding adjectives, or describing words and the results have been some brilliant sentences. We have written Acrostic poems about animals, crime scene descriptions of the 3 bears cottage and setting and character descriptions based on our story “Goldilocks and Just the One Bear.” The children’s writing is improving rapidly and it is wonderful to see.
In Math's, we have just moved on to addition and subtraction and it is brilliant to see and hear the children applying their place value and number fact knowledge to a different area of the curriculum. We are Marvelous Mathematicians in Kingfisher Class.
Our afternoons are just as busy as our mornings, learning so many different subjects!
In Geography we are learning about the UK. The children were not keen on the bagpipes from Scotland, saying they were a bit loud and squeaky!
We will be tasting different foods from around the UK when we have learn about all 4 countries. In Science, we have started our work on materials. The children loved using the magnets and their investigation skills to find out which materials were magnetic. In computing we have been using the beebots to learn about programming and how robots can only carry out instructions they have been given, as they cannot think for themselves. The children are even beginning to predict the outcome of an algorithm, which is not always an easy task.
Please click on the Phonics Play picture to visit Real + Alien Words Game as played in the Inspire Sessions
Please see our Interactive Library links below for our Wellbeing and Topic
Wellbeing library - |
Topic library - |
Science History
Please click on the picture below to view our science link - Please click on the picture below to view our History link -