Cygnet & Swans Class - Nursery
Nursery Teachers Mrs S Chamberlain Mrs J Croucher |
Nursery Assistant Mrs L Wiggins, Mrs N Shephard, Miss M White & Miss M Sirl |
A very warm welcome to Cygnet & Swan Class
Nursery is your child’s first exciting step as they begin their school journey. Our main aim during the initial weeks is to ensure that each child feels safe, settled and secure where they develop positive relationships and bonds with those around them. By the end of the first term you’ll be amazed by their confidence and ability.
At Pen Mill, we know and understand that children learn rapidly through rich opportunities, where they explore, investigate and discover. Our topic based curriculum provides activities that are engaging, meaningful and fun. In order to achieve this, we carefully plan a progressive curriculum, guided by the children’s interests’ and questions to ensure all pupils succeed. We provide many hands on experiences and with the right balance of challenge and support. Children are actively involved in a range of memorable learning experiences which promote creativity, independence and enjoyment.
Spring update - Cygnet Class
In cygnet class we have been looking at the book Walter’s web which shows us all different shapes. The children are so good at recognising lots of the different shapes. We used this as an activity which saw us sticking the different coloured shapes on the spiders web.
We have had lots of different paints out to make the most wonderful paintings, this surely has brightened up our January.
This half term we have also joined up with swan class on Fridays to start forest school. The children loved going out onto the icy field listening to the crunch under their wellies.
We have been looking at the book Freddie gets dressed, the children have loved getting dressed up and even getting our resident nursery doll dressed with pants, socks, tops and trousers. |
Spring update - Swan Class
Brrrrrr it has been cold outside, particularly for our small hands and feet. However it was a true delight to explore the transformation of water into ice. We were so excited to step outside and find that the ice was rock hard, slippery under our feet and full of tiny air bubbles that we could explore.
We spent time exploring ice with all of our senses, touch, sight and even taste…it was very cold on our tongues!
Our weekly forest school trip to the field is so much fun, we wear our wellies and take a walk around to look at the beautiful place we come to school each day. Our school field is full of wonderful things to see and hear, the daffodils, whilst early, are peeping through and the birds sound lovely when we stop and listen for a few moments.
Some of us have discovered the small hill and have been very happy to get muddy rolling down it…. sorry parents and carers!
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears has been one of our well learnt texts, it was very busy making porridge for everyone as
Goldilocks kept on eating baby bears.
The Gingerbread Man has also been another well rehearsed text and we have thought about the characters in the story carefully.
The fox must have very much enjoyed eating the Gingerbread Man, just as much as we did after our forest school session on Friday….delicious.