Nursery Information
Snacks and mealtimes
We provide nutritious snacks for the nursery children during the morning and afternoon sessions.
If your child attends an afternoon session or all day session, please provide them with a packed lunch.
Early Years Grant Funding
Children will receive Early Years Grant funding from the government from the term after their 3rd birthday.
We offer 15 hour and 30 hour funding.
We offer funding for 2 year old's under the 2 year old funding scheme. Contact Somerset County Council if you believe you are entitled to this.
Fee structure
2-year old's hourly rate £5.46
Sessional rate for 2-year old's (3 hours) £16.38
3 & 4 year old's hourly rate £4.87
Sessional rate for 3&4-year old's (3 hours) £14.61
The fees for each session are to be paid at the end of each month.
The fee applies even if your child misses some sessions through illness or holidays.
Children receive funding from the Government for up to 15 hours per week (term time) starting the term after their 3rd birthday.
Please click on this link to access our Nursery charging booklet
Daily Routine
Click the link for our daily routine in Nursery
Click the links for our Nursery Policies